This page shows content changes in a paragraph of text between two successive filings for a company. The changes are based on the closest matching semantic content from a previous filing. The top paragraph shows the content as it appears in the source filing and the bottom paragraph shows the changes. Pink shading indicates deleted content, yellow shading indicates new or changed content. Unchanged content is shown without any shading.
As of September 28, 2014, we operated 399 stores: 381 stores in 42 U.S. states and the District of Columbia; 9 stores in Canada; and 9 stores in the U.K. We own 15 stores, two distribution facilities and land for one facility in development. We also own three properties leased to third parties; a building on leased land, which is leased to third parties; and a parking facility and one store in development on leased land. All other stores, distribution centers, bakehouses and administrative facilities are leased, and we have options to renew most of our leases in five-year increments. In addition, as of September 28, 2014, we had 25 leased properties and adjacent spaces that are not being utilized in current operations, of which 17 are related to our acquisition of Wild Oats Markets in August 2007. We are actively negotiating to sublease or terminate leases related to these locations.

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Contexxia identifies hard-to-find piece of information in SEC filings. No more highlighters, no more redlining, no more poring over huge documents. Contexxia shows SEC filings in three views :